Executive Committee (2023-2025)

President Prof. Jun Yang, The University of Hong Kong 
Vice President Prof. Zhongqing Su, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Secretary Prof. Yuan Lin, The University of Hong Kong
Treasurer Prof. Hui Tang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Immediate Past President Prof. Gang Wang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
IUTAM Representative Prof. Q.P. Sun, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 
Members-at-large Prof. Cheong-Ki Chan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Members-at-large Prof. Yi-Kuen Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Members-at-large Prof. Zhigang Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Members-at-large Prof. C.W. Lim, City University of Hong Kong
Members-at-large Prof. Yang Lu, The University of Hong Kong
Members-at-large Prof. Xinrui Niu, City University of Hong Kong
Members-at-large Prof. Konstantinos (Kostas) Senetakis, City University of Hong Kong
Members-at-large Prof. Yuan Ma, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Members-at-large Prof. Chih-Yung Wen, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Members-at-large Prof. Haimin Yao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Members-at-large Prof. Shuhuai Yao, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Members-at-large Prof. Wenjing Ye, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Members-at-large Prof. Zhenyu Yin, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Members-at-large Prof. Jidong Zhao, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Members-at-large Prof. Yanguang Zhou, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Members-at-large Prof. Rui Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Members-at-large Prof. Lin Fu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Members-at-large Prof. Wan-Huan Zhou, University of Macau