Guidelines on the funding policy for the research activities of 

The Institute of Integrated Micro Systems (I2MS)

1. Objectives  

The major goals of the Institute of Integrated Micro Systems (I2MS) are to pursue multidisciplinary fundamental research related to micro & nano systems and to collaborate with the local industries as well as Mainland/overseas institutions. Hence the main objectives of the Institute are:

The interdisciplinary nature of micro & nano systems has brought together experts from many engineering research areas such as micro & nanofabrication technology, mechanical design, material engineering, tribology, control theory, metrology, electrostatics, robotics, and many science subjects such as physics, chemistry, and biology.

The interdisciplinary nature of micro & nano systems has brought together experts from many engineering research areas such as micro & nanofabrication technology, mechanical design, material engineering, tribology, control theory, metrology, electrostatics, robotics, and many science subjects such as physics, chemistry, and biology.

2. Funding policy           

Considering the broad range of the research programs and activities in the Institute and the limited resources, the proposed funding policy in the future is summarized as follows:

     (a) Matching fund for conferences/workshops held at HKUST on topics related to I2MS;

     (b) Matching fund for short-term individual visitors and short-term exchange activities related to I2MS such as for seminar speakers;

     (c) Matching fund for research equipments directly related to I2MS;

     (d) Matching fund for research equipments directly related to I2MS;

3. Application and review procedure   

Applicants can submit their applications any time of the year. The applications for matching funds more than HK$50,000 and all the applications in category (d) will be reviewed by the Steering Committee of I2MS. Generally there will be no call for proposals and all applications will be considered case by case.

This guideline was approved by the meeting of the Steering Committee of I2MS on 18 Dec 2006.



Other Funding Sources


Hong Kong Research Grant Council

Innovation and Technology Commission, Hong Kong


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